Guest Information
- All members and guests must check-in upon arrival with the Golf Shop Professional staff.
- Cell phone use is prohibited on the Club premises, excluding the parking lot. Data (text/email) is permitted. Phone calls can be made in the Communication Room, located in the main hallway of the Clubhouse.
- All golf and food & beverage charges can be paid by credit card. Caddie fees are paid via cash only.
- Shirttails must be tucked in at all times and hats must be worn facing forward and removed while inside the Clubhouse.
- Blue jeans, tank tops, t-shirts, mesh shirts, sweat pants, warm-up suits, swimwear, short-shorts, cargo shorts, cut-offs, gym shorts or other athletic shorts are not permitted.
- Tipping is permitted for the outside operations team, caddies, locker room attendants and food & beverage staff.